Canadian Company (female owned) Products all manufactured in CANADA
Canadian Company (female owned) Products all manufactured in CANADA
The idea was given to me by so many enthusiastic people who tested the product in the street demos that were set up.
They said "Dragons' Den" - you gotta go!
So I got to it ....
Back in 2022 - The 1 minute "Elevator Pitch" was carefully crafted and submitted to the show. Literally filmed in an elevator for greater effect, humour and creativity.
I guess it caught the eye of the producers because I got the call to audition about 3 months later.
February 2023 Behind the scenes in CBC Vancouver auditions.
First invite was to pitch to the CBC Dragons' Den Producers. They were so fun and awesome and loved my product.
With a nice selection of product ready to show the producers what Stop Sugar Crave is all about.
The Producers liked the product so much they sent an invite to pitch to the real the Dragons.
May 2023 and a flight to Toronto. A lot of preparation went into showing the Dragons what it was all about.
First the sweet table was prepared to show the temptations of sugar.
Plus a lot of practicing of the pitch and deep breathing.
The Pitch in front to the Dragons takes an hour or more - spontaneous Q & A's and quite a lot of drama which may or may not come over in the actual episode. Quite the adrenaline rush!
Ultra wealthy, highly successful and savvy men and women who take no prisoners, these are the Dragons.
When the pitch was over, I got a certificate (and a Dragons' Den mug, T-shirt and bag) and told to wait to be notified if Stop Sugar Crave had made the cut. I waited from May 2023 to January 2024. Finally got an email just two weeks before the show aired. Phew!!!
Preview of the episode to air on January 25, 2024.
Super exciting episode, lots of theatrics but in the end, they had to agree Stop Sugar Crave Spray works! and they put their money where their mouth is.
Copyright © 2022 Sweet Escape / Sweet Buster - Sugar Stop Sugar Crave - All Rights Reserved.
Any statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA or Health Canada and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. Consult a health care professional prior to use.